Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 11-12


We have been away from "Home" for a few days due to the Fusion Toronto, so we have not been able to blog.

On friday we were buying food and preparing for the Fusion Toronto. The Fusion Toronto is a program with homeless people and people who hang out in the street. We were buying food so we could make them a lunch pack and give them out during the saturday. We also prepared for the sunday and worshops we are going to lead during the next week. So the friday was basically only preparing and planning for the next days.

During the evening we went to Fusion Toronto. We went for a prayer walk when we got there. We walked along the streets, while Pastor Jeff at the church we went to, explained the different needs in the streets and the different places we went to. We prayed for each place we went to. It was really a new experience for me. It's really different when you see the homeless people and start thinking of how to help them. There aren't alot of them in Norway, and me myself doesn't really think alot about them, but this experience really twisted my mind somehow.

On saturday we went up early and made the sandwiches we were going to give away during the "sandwich run". We went out in teams of 3 and were sent into different directions around the church. Me and my team went to the town hall park. We saw alot of homeless people sleeping on the benches. We kinda made some of them wake up and we talked with them and gave them a lunch pack. It was really a different experience, to make a difference for someone. To see someone get really happy when they woke up. We prayed for those who wanted us to pray for them. Our group met someone who wanted me to pray for world peace. It really shocked me that he said that. I was asking if he wanted me to pray for something specific for him, and all he wanted was world peace. He was homeless, having a hard time getting food for himself, but all he wanted was world peace. That is really something for us to think about.

I guess I'm kinda confused with myself after this, God has given us a lot, we should use it wisely to keep serving Him. Not waste it for worldy values. There are people who are serving Him, even though they got nothing.

Later one we served meal and helped out with giving away clothes to homeless at the church. We led worship and was listening to a session Pastor Jeff had. We also had a bit of time to chat with the people coming.

I guess it doesn't matter how much I write now about what I have experienced during these two days. It's really something you should come and experience yourself. Pastor Jeff told us during the devotion that to be able to help people, we have to be in their situation to be able to understand their needs. That is really TRUE. An outsider cannot understand all the needs without being a part of it. I guess this applies to a lot of things. Fusion Toronto was a really good experience for all of us!

That kinda wraps up Fusion Toronto, we went for etiopian food for dinner. It was good, and kinda special. I guess I bring you guys if you want to :)

It's late now, sleeeep :)


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